Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Via Dolorosa Ecce Homo Arch

The Ecce Homo Arch forms the 2nd station of the Cross, commemorating the site where Pontius Pilate gave Jesus the cross.

The arch was built in honor of the visit of the emperor Hadrian to the city of Jerusalem in the year 135, on the occasion of his victory over the Jews in the 2nd rebellion, known as the Bar Kochba Rebellion.

During his journey to the eastern part of the Roman Empire in the years 130-131, to visit his Syrian Dominions, Emperor Hadrian ordered that a pagan colony be established in Jerusalem, to be named Aelia Capitolina. Aelia is derived from the emperor's family name and Capitolina from that of Jupiter Capitolinus, to whom a temple was built on the site of the Jewish temple. The establishment of Aelia Capitolina, signified the introduction of Paganism to Jerusalem, which was anathema to the Jews, (one might go so far as to say that Judaism was established to rid the world of Paganism and the belief in a multitude of gods) so it’s not surprising that this event ignited the Bar Kokhba's revolt of 132-135, which had as its objective the rebuilding of the Temple.

Unfortunately the Jews suffered such heavy losses at the hands of the Romans, that the Rabbis made a prohibition against rebellion of any kind, carried out to achieve the rebuilding of Jerusalem, the Temple or the Jewish State. Many ultra-orthodox Jews observe this prohibition, to this day and for that reason oppose the establishment of the State of Israel.

The Ecce Homo Arch signified the culmination of the great building operations started by the emperor Hadrian in the year 131.

Jerusalem had become forgotten and the Roman City of Aelia Capitolina stood to the North of the ruins of Jerusalem, the Tenth Roman Legion was stationed there, to watch over the ruins and keep the Jews from returning to live in the city and from visiting the Temple Mount.

The elaborate city gate, to be seen under the Damascus Gate, was undoubtedly built by Hadrian to mark the northern border of the unwalled Roman colony.(1)

The northern wall was built in the 3rd Cen (2) probably to improve security.

Above the eastern entrance to the city one can still see a fragmentary inscription in Latin, probably in secondary use, which ends ".. by the decree of the decurions of Aelia Capitolina."

The northern city gate, where the Damascus Gate stands today, was in use during the second and third centuries. Its side entrances were blocked during the Byzantine and Early Arab periods, and later the Crusaders built a new, fortified gate at a much higher level, thus burying and unwittingly preserving the remains of the Roman gate below it.

The Roman gate of Aelia Capitolina has been restored and opened to the public; upon descending below the bridge leading to the Ottoman Damascus Gate, one can enter once again through this early gate into the city or climb the original stairs to the walkway, the Ramparts Walk, along the Old City walls to enjoy the breathtaking view of the Old City and the Temple Mount.

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